Ackroyd, Peter Chatterton
Adams, Douglas So Long and Thanks for the Fish
Amis, Martin Time’s Arrow.
Amis, Martin. Inside Story. SIGNED
Anonymous The Secret History of the Most Renowned Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex
Ansell, Evelyn Twenty Five Poems Geoffrey Keynes copy
Apollonaire, Guillaume. Le Bestiare.
Atwood, Margaret Hag-Seed. SIGNED
Atwood, Margaret The Blind Assassin
Auden, W H Thank You Fog
Ballard, J G. Hello America
Ballard, J G. The Unlimited Dream Company
Ballard, J.G. Myths of the Near Future
Barnes, Julian A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters SIGNED Proof Copy
Beckett, Samuel Fin de Partie (Endgame)
Beckett, Samuel Endgame
Beckett, Samuel Disjecta
Beckett, Samuel First Love
Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf
Bennett, Arnold Elsie and the Child LIMITED EDITION
Bernieres, Louis de Red Dog SIGNED
Betjeman, John Ghastly Good Taste or a depressing story of the Rise and Fall of English Architecture
Braine, John Room at the Top
Bunyan, John The Pilgrim’s Progress
Chatwin, Bruce. Utz
Chatwin, Bruce. What Am I Doing Here
Chopping, Richard. The Fly.
Dahl, Roald Kiss Kiss
Dickens, Charles Cantiques de Noel/ ale Spectre de Marley
Ed. Parker, Derek Sitwell, A Symposium. SIGNED
Farrell, J.G. The Siege of Krishnapur
Farrell, James T. Young Lonigan. SIGNED