Mapplethorpe, Robert Secret Flowers
Sitwell, George On the Making of Gardens Illustrated by John Piper
Noolas, Rab. Merry-Go-Down A Gallery of Gorgeous Drunkards Through the Ages
Tolkien, J R R. The Silmarillion. Illustrated
Dean, Tacita Floh (Flea) Signed
Moore, Henry. Drawings
Aeschylus The Oresteia
Bailey, David Goodbye Baby and Amen A Saraband for the Sixties
Warhol, Andy Warhol in China
Johnson, Samuel. The History of Rassellas
Mandinian, Edward The Fairy Queen
Pope,Alexander. The Rape of the Lock
Bunyan, John The Pilgrim’s Progress
Chevalier, Maurice Ma Route et mes Chansons
Haile,Bernard. The Navajo Fire Dance
Kirstein, Lincoln Paul Cadmus SIGNED
Biart, Lucien. An Involuntary Voyage
Bailey, David. Havana
Amberg, George Art in Modern Ballet
Aberconway, Christabel The Story of Mr Korah
Baal-Teshuva, Jacob. Chagall A Retrospective
Wesker, Arnold Fatlips
Yeats, W B editor Irish Fairy Tales
Craig, John. Britten’s Aldeburgh SIGNED
Hughes, Ted The Iron Woman
Parr, Martin Japanese Sleeping SIGNED
Rameau, Jean-Philippe Demonstration du Principe de l'Harmonie 1750
Moreland, Harold The Song of Songs Which is Solomons
Thomas, D.M. The Shaft
Lear, Edward More Nonsense Pictures Rhymes etc
Farrell, James T. Young Lonigan. SIGNED
Sagan, Francoise New York