Russell, John Paris 1st Ed HB Photography by Brassai
Sackville-West, Vita. The Garden
Sagan, Francoise New York
Shakespeare, William ed Burdett Hemingway Henry IV Pt 1
Shakespeare, William ed Hillebrand, Harold N Troilus and Cressida
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet
Shaw, George Bernard Passion, Poison and Petrification or The Fatal Gazogene
Sheridan Richard Brinsley The School for Scandal
Sheth,Ketaki. Bombay Mix: Street Photographs Signed
Sitwell, George On the Making of Gardens Illustrated by John Piper
Sitwell, Osbert The Four Continents
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Cancer Ward Parts 1 & 2
Spencer, Gilbert Stanley Spencer SIGNED
Stappert, Andrea Under the Radar Rare SIGNED Copy
Stassen, Franz Parsifal
Steinberg, Saul. Derrière le Miroir No 192
Sylvester, David and Read, Herbert Henry Moore Sculpture and Drawings 3 volumes
Teller, Juergen Nurnberg SIGNED
Thackeray, William Makepeace The Newcomes
Thomas, D M. The Puberty Tree. SIGNED
Thomas, D.M. The Shaft
Thomas, D.M. & Kantaris, Sylvia News from the Front
Thomas, Dylan Adventures in the Skin Trade
Thomson, Virgil & Stein, Gertrude The Mother of Us All SIGNED RARE with three signed photos by Carl van Vechten
Tolkien, J R R. The Silmarillion. Illustrated
Tuymans, Luc Ai Weiwei. The State of Things
Twombly, Cy An Exhibition of Paintings 1982 SIGNED
Tzara, Tristan. La Face Interieure.
Tzara, Tristan. Terre sur Terre. Limited Edition
Unknown Mick Jagger
Verdi in America
Verve Magazine Spring 1938